Sunday, November 20, 2005

20 Weeks and Half-way done!

Today is the half-way point. The time is really flying by now! Morning sickness is completely gone and I can feel the baby kicking like crazy. There was one day that I thought the baby had lost his/her mind because the baby was just kicking me in the same place over and over like every couple of seconds. Well, my friend Kameron told me that the baby wasn't kicking the baby was having hiccups! Awww I felt so bad because hiccups sucks. Babies shouldn't have to have hiccups! :(

My tummy is getting bigger, but I wouldn't say I look pregnant yet. Hopefully by December 9th I look cute and pregnant when Shaun, Alex, Dominique, and I go to Chicago to meet Shaun's mom, Tony, Mickey, and I believe their son's name is Logan.

AS far as cravings go, I can't say I have had any weird cravings yet. I still crave a ton of cheese, everything I eat has something cheesy in it. I am going to be making myself some cheesy ham scrambled eggs yummy.

My next doctor's appointment isn't until December 2nd, so in about 12 more days. I don't know if I have gained the 11 pounds he said he wanted me to. I figure I have gained about 3-5 pounds at most. Remember, so far I haven't gained any weight, I have actually lost 3 pounds since I got pregnant. So, I might be back to my normal weight by now.


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