Sunday, December 04, 2005

22 weeks pregnant

Man, time is really moving fast now. The first trimester was so slow, but now the weeks just fly by. It seems like yesterday I was just showing Shaun the pregnancy tests and crying for joy with him.

I am really excited and kind of nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow Shaun and I get another ultrasound and get to see a developed baby inside me for the first time. We will hopefully find out the sex of the baby, too, if the baby cooperates. Shaun and my mom think the baby is a girl while Erin and I think the baby is a boy. My dad won't make a guess. It is just so weird to think that tomorrow, we might know!

I was really emotional yesterday because it seems like with the new cold dry weather, I am a carrier for static electricity. I shock everthing I touch, so I was crying a lot. It was so bad, that I actually turned off the computer twice by overloading it with static.

Well, I will post tomorrow with pictures of the baby!


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