Wednesday, March 22, 2006

37-37.5 weeks pictures

Here is me at 37 weeks. This is at 37.5 weeks

Doctor said he won't schedule me for a c-section, but that if I go into labor and David doesn't drop then he won't let me labor for too long before he gives me a c-section. There is still hope to do a vaginal delivery! My feet are so swollen it is nasty. You can push your finger into my foot and an indent will stay there. Eww. My nausea is getting worse and I am having a lot of cervical pain. Doctor did hint at possibly talking about inducing me next week, so we will see what happens at my appointment next Tuesday. I told Shaun that I can not wait to be able to move around in bed effortlessly. It takes forever to move from my left side to my right. It is actually a task! David is still a wiggle butt and you can see his little butt wiggling around! So cute! I can't wait to meet him.


Blogger Dakini said...

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Gosh, I soooooo want to be at the hospital when you deliver!
I'm getting antsy for you...I can't wait to see David's little chubby butt! :D

ok, I'm betting on 10 lbs.

12:54 PM  

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