Sunday, February 19, 2006

33 weeks and can't sleep

It is 6:33 in the morning and I can't sleep. I am itchy, thirsty, and David is kicking my ribs (his new favorite thing to do). I keep saying "I don't know if I can take two more months of this." It is so true. It is like, I want him to come out and be healthy now, but I am scared of giving birth. I mean, I know he is going to be a BIG baby, and I am afraid I am going to tear really bad. I hope I don't, I hope I have an easy labor to compensate for the horendous pregnancy I have had. LOL! Somehow, I doubt it.

Shaun took me out to eat at the Outback last night. I ate so much, it isn't funny. I ate that whole loaf of bread you get, lots of the bloomin' onion, a jacket potato, pretty much all of an 8 oz. steak, plus four glasses of strawberry lemonade. I also got a piece of cheesecake to go (ate that when I got home). Granted, that was all I ate that day, so I guess it isn't too bad. But yeah, I felt like such a fatty afterwards.

Went to the doctor's on Friday and got another lovely exam. He said, and I quote:

"The baby's head is extremely low. Those crampings are doing something."

He didn't tell me what he meant by that, but Shaun's mom thinks it means my cervix is starting to thin out. I have been cramping so much these last couple days, but I can't tell if it is because of the baby or because of gas. LOL!

Oh yeah, I am now up to 219! Ugh. That is 47 pounds. Good lord, I am going to have to be working out like crazy after David is born. Let's try and keep it under 60 pounds. I have lost 60 pounds before with Tae bo! It only took me 3 weeks, and no, I wasn't even starving myself. Not even dieting. Tae Bo is a god send, I swear. Well, I will add a picture later on tonight.


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