Sunday, January 29, 2006

Aries baby

Well I was reading Brig's blog and she was posting about her baby's zodiac sign and I thought...I should do that too. I am also doing this for my own research seeing as how I have never even known an Aries, so I have no idea what they are like. I usually run into Libras, Geminis, and Cancers. LOL.

The little Aries is something of a handful. This energetic child will walk and run as soon as possible and perform daring feats of exploration. Any caregivers will need to be vigilant, since this small individual does not know the meaning of fear and is especially prone to head injuries. Many children born under this sign appear hyperactive and easily frustrated when they cannot get their own way. Since they are always in a rush to get on with life, they are prone to violent temper tantrums and dramatic physical displays. Nevertheless, the natural enterprise and curiosity of the Aries child does need to be encouraged and it is important to place as few restrictions on this little one as possible. Explain to the Aries child...reason with the Aries child...but never complain. Persuade the little Aries to take up a hobby which requires the development of patience, for those born under this Sign are the least patient of the Zodiac and will need such self-control later in life.

The Aries child loves to take things apart and may break toys easily. With encouragement, however, he or she will develop formidable coordination. The bossy tendencies of this little one should be molded into leadership qualities rather than allowed to become bullying in nature. Otherwise, the "me first" Aries will have many clashes with other strong-willed youngsters. Since the Aries child is usually vocal in expressing needs, any caregiver should have no problem in discerning what this little character most desires. The key emphasis should be on helping this child to control his or her temper and develop self-discipline and respect for authority. It is important to be vigilant, but the Aries child must be allowed plenty of space. It is also important to emphasize good manners and consideration for others in order to help the willful little Aries to get along socially with playmates. Aries children should be persuaded to take out their aggressions and frustrations in active, competitive sports. Indeed, this is where they usually excel.

Essentially a direct and uncomplicated individual, the little Aries rarely suffers from hidden anxieties or psychological difficulties. However, stimulation and a sense of achievement are vital to this child. Without these two things, this little one can easily turn into an extremely difficult child to live with. Blessed with deep resources of determination, the Aries child is able to face any challenge, but does tend to act before thinking. Since he or she will be passionate about absolutely everything which is of personal importance, there is liable to be a great reluctance to share. There may also be a tendency to make loud and/or unkind remarks about a playmate. Unfortunately, the Aries child will rarely consider such behavior to be selfish, perceiving this as nothing more than an assertive right to do and say as he or she pleases. As a general rule, Aries children with younger siblings learn to deal with their inherent selfishness much better than those who are only children or who happen to be the "baby" of the family.

Blessed with a retentive memory and quick flow of thought (to say nothing of the abundant ambition inherent in this sign), the Aries child normally excels in scholastics. However, this little one is high-strung and will expend much energy in trying to accomplish too many things at the same time. Thus, a great deal of sleep at regular intervals will be most beneficial to this child. Restless and inquisitive, the Aries child is seldom content with any one thing for a great length of time. It is important that the plans of this little one not be interferred with, since such interference will often cause him or her to lose all interest in the task at hand. He or she should be left alone to work out things out in his or her own way...and, by so doing, develop individuality. As the Aries child grows to be a teenager, the competitive side of his or her nature will gradually become increasingly apparent. A certain degree of freedom of choice will be necessary in order to maintain the peace, particularly since a fight or argument will be the very spice of this child's life, and it is important to bear in mind that the young Aries (much like his or her older counterpart) will never acknowledge defeat.

The Aries girl will be full of verve and something of a live wire. With an abundance of energy to burn, she tends to attract many admirers. There is a fiercely independent streak here and any girl governed by this Sign will chart her own course. It would not be unusual to find the Aries girl adopting a leadership role at school and, since this Zodiac Sign rules the head and face, she will always be extremely particular about her make-up. Aries girls can be rather selfish at times and will probably balk at exchanging clothes with a younger sister. There could be some major sibling feuds here and it may be necessary for the parents to intervene on occasion. This is a hyperactive youngster...forever rushing from one activity to the next...and given this girl's energy, she is likely to be actively involved in sports, usually of the physically demanding type. Aries girls are self-sufficient and pursue what they want with much willpower and determination. This girl will "think big" and is likely to attend academic institutions which are the most beneficial on a personal level. In short, this is an achiever who is definitely "going places."

The Aries boy will be difficult to keep up with due to his tremendous amounts of energy. There is also an inherently fiery temper here which could reach a dangerous level if provoked. Nonetheless, the Aries boy will be one of the most dynamic youngsters around. On occasion, his haste will get him into trouble or even accidents. The Aries teenager views life as one long competition and constantly struggles to come out on top. This, combined with the impulsive nature associated with Aries, often leads to frustration. This boy is a born leader and will always rush to take charge of any given situation. Whether it be the school football team or the local boy scout troop, he will be in a position of some authority. This lad can be somewhat self-centered at times because of his need to have things his own way. Basically, the Aries boy is a pioneer and will want to personally chart his own goals in life. When presented with a challenge, he will be the first to jump in and accept it. In short, the Aries lad is certainly "going places."

The Ruling Planet of Mars gives the children of Aries a very shrewd, resourceful and courageous personality with good critical faculties. They will be high in adventure but low on patience and tact. An Aries child will always tell the truth and will usually grow up to be fortunate with money and often lucky in love. Since Aries is one of the Fire Signs (together with Leo and Sagittarius), any child governed by this element will need to learn patience above all else. Second in importance will be to learn respect for the rights and feelings of others. Last (but certainly not least), children of Fire should be afforded every opportunity to work off excess, sports and dancing are all excellent avenues. Talk works much better than punishment with Fire children. In fact, too much punishment can easily result in a rebellious and "wild child."

Qualities To Encourage:
Confidence - Assertiveness - Courage - Pioneering Spirit

Qualities To Discourage:
Selfishness - Impatience - Quck Temper - Impulsive Behavior

Suitable Future Careers:
Medicine - Dentistry - Art - Music - Entertainment - Social Work - Advertising
Psychiatry - Engineering - Electronics - Sales - Armed Forces

Parent/Child Relationships

Cancer Parent/Aries Child: Any native of Cancer adores the security of home life and would love to have his or her small children constantly nestled beneath the security of a protective wing. However, any child of Aries is sure to "create waves" in the idealistic domestic bliss envisioned by a Cancer parent. The little Aries possesses far too much energy to be happy in one place for too long and the adult Cancer must carefully guard against placing too many restraints on his or her fiery offspring. Such a smothering effect will only dampen the inherent Aries enthusiasm for life in general. In this situation, it would be best for the Cancer parent to encourage the young Aries to participate in sporting activities, which will deplete the little one's vast store of competitive energy. Such events will also allow the Cancer parent to bestow all the praise and love he or she desires upon the Aries child from the healthy distance of the sidelines.

Libra Parent/Aries Child: This parent/child combination is likely to have more in common than would first be imagined. These Signs are on opposite sides of the Zodiac and, as such, share many similar traits. The Libra parent will be drawn to the dynamic energy and direct nature of his or her Aries child...and such are the energies required by the Libra adult in order to develop as a parent. On the other hand, the Libra parent is ideally qualified to teach the little Aries the art of considering the needs of others. The bouncy and energetic little Aries is sure to bring an abundance of pleasure into any home being run by a Libra parent.


Blogger Dakini said...

ohhhhh I so want to read this....but a bad lower vaginal contraction just started. Matty's ordering me to bed. I'll read it tomorrow.

love you...

8:05 PM  

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