David tried to be born last night
Monday morning I woke up very nauseous around 9am to get ready to meet my mom and brother at the mall for lunch. I sat around on the couch and ate some strawberries figuring the nausea was just me being hungry (like in the first trimester). My mom called around 11 saying to meet them at the mall. I felt like I was going to vomit until we sat down to eat. After we ate, we went to Mimi Maternity and I bought a belly belt. I then followed them to Wauseon. I kept getting these sharp feelings in my urethra like I had to pee really bad but they'd only last a second, so I figured it was just David kicking my bladder. I ignored them. I left Wauseon around 9pm and by the time I got to Spring Meadows (which is about 15 minutes from home), then pains were so close together I thought I was going to pee myself. I wasn't cramping it was just this feeling of peeing myself. I stopped at Speedway to pee and when I wiped, there was a bit of blood. This happened four days ago with the blood but I figured it was just because of my self-examination. This time, however, I hadn't had anything in me to cause me to bleed. I broke down as I was buying fruit mentos and the cashier said everything would be okay.
I still had a short, 15-minute drive to get home, which was so nerve-racking. I got home, checked for more blood and there wasn't any. David was kicking frantically, but I still wasn't having any cramps. I looked in my "What to Expect when You're Expecting" book and it said if there was ANY blood to call the doctor. It was now about 10:30, so I called Shaun and filled him in. I called the doctor's office and he was out but they contacted his partner and he told me to come to St. Charles (St Vincent's is the hospital right down the road, St. Charles is next to my doctor's office about 15 minutes away) because they's have staff waiting for me.
WE get there, I get changed into a gown, give a urine sample, and get hooked up to a dopplar and and contraction meter thingy. The nurse monitored me for a while and came in and said I was contracting every 6-10 minutes. The contractions just felt like a needle poking my cervix, no real cramps or anything. So, then she tells me to drink these two huge cups of water and a big cup of apple juice so I don't have to get an IV. Well, my contractions were getting worse and the water was just going through me I had to pee every 5-10 minutes so they had to give me an IV. They tried once on my left hand, once on my right, then once on my right wrist (on the side), once on my right wrist (on the back), and finally called the anestesiologist to administer my IV on my left wrist (he numbed it first, what a nice guy). The IV attempts on my hands killes, it just felt like they were screwing screws into my hand bones. After they got the IV in, my contractions hardened and the nurse told me they were going to give me a shot to make my contractions stop. After 30 minutes, if they hadn't stopped, they'd give me another dose. So, they give me the shot in my thigh and after five minutes the contractions lessened. They also gave me a sleeping pill to try and make it so my hear rate wouldn't increase too much and I'd be able to sleep. I told Shaun that he needed to go home and lock the apartment because in my haste to leave, I forgot to lock the door. I also told him to eat because I knew he hadn't eatten yet. The doctor came in and gave me an ultrasound and was surprised that David's lungs were so developed. He then said if the shot didn't work he'd let me go ahead and delivery David. He said David wouldn't have any problems and that at most he just wouldn't have enough fat on him to regulate his heart rate and would have to stay in the hospital for a minimum of a week. At this point, both Shaun and I thought everything was fine, the baby's heartbeat was fine and my contractions were slowing. They hadn't told us I was in pre-term labor. I knew I was having contractions, but they weren't killer so I didn't think anything was really wrong.
I started to shake a little right before Shaun left, but the nurse said it was just a side effect from the meds. However, soon after Shaun left, I was shaking violently, became very emotional, and couldn't speak. The nurse stayed at my side telling me not to be scared that this was just the normal side-effect. She was very nice and held my hand. However, the monitor started beeping and she told me she'd be right back. About 10-20 people rushed in, I was completely surrounded. They were saying they couldn't find the heart beat. The doctor (not my doctor, but his parner) came in with the ultrasound again to visually see David's heart rate. They found it, he was perfectly fine. The problem was that my heart rate sky rocketed to the same speed as David's, so they couldn't tell the difference.
The doctor told the nurses to give me a dose of Nubain because I was in so much pain at this point and I was unable to stop shaking and I couldn't stop crying. It was very hard to breath and impossible to talk so he wanted to give me Nubain to calm me down. It felt like I had no control over my body. They gave me the Numbain and Shaun came back. I guess the nurses told him everything that was going on before he actually got into the room. Good thing too, because I was practically drooling when he got in. I tried to tell him what was going on but I don't think any real words came out. The nurse that was taking care of me was so surprised that I was still awake. I was so tired but the whole thing that happened while Shaun was gone just stuck with me and I was unable to sleep.
The nurse came in and hooked me up do penicillin. I didn't know why. I was so messed up at this point. I knew they mentioned something about a bladder infection. It wasn't until last night that Shaun told me I had a UTI, a bladder infection, and a kidney infection. I had this infection for a long time but had no symptoms I just thought I was peeing a lot because I was pregnant. I hadn't been having any burning WHILE I peed, only a burning feeling right before I peed. However, the infection kept spreading and spreading and it caused me to go into pre-term labor.
At 3:30, I called my mom and tried to explain to her what was going on, although I barely remember the conversation. I know I told her I had a bladder infection and that I had gone into labor but they stopped it. Other than that, I have no idea what I said. Shaun said that it was hard to tell what I was talking to my mom about.
After I got off the phone, I hopped off the bed to try and pee. This didn't work so well, and Shaun ran to grab me before I toppled over. I had to pee like mad. I just sat in the bathroom for like 10 minutes because every couple of seconds I was peeing again. The nurse made me use a bed pan at one point, which I hate.
My doctor came into check up on me around 5 in the morning (my actual doctor). I guess he was worried about me and he was scared sick when he saw me because I was just laying motionless on the bed, slumped over, my eyes were open, but I was unresponsive. I honestly remember seeing him in the distance but I didn't know it was him. I don't remember him talking to Shaun or shaking my hand.
Soon after this, I finally feel asleep.
Here is where it gets really fuzzy. Brigitte called me and I know i talked to her. I don't remember if I threw up before or after I talked to her. I think I threw up, then talked to her, then threw up again. The first time I threw up I forgot that I was drugged and hooked up to machines. I thought I'd not wake Shaun up and just hop off the bed and go to the bathroom seeing as how the toilet was a mere five to ten feet away from me. However, I only made it to the trash can which was about 2 or 3 feet away. I guess it was like projectile vomitting, but I don't remember. Then I think Brig called me. I don't have any real recollectiong of what we talked about just that she said I sounded "calm and sweet." Then my breakfast came. Breakfast consisted of chicken broth and jello. Whoo. I kept it down for about 3 minutes and then threw it up.
I fell asleep on and off until Shaun left for work around 12. He had to go home and shower and all. My contractions had stopped at this point, I was just there because my infection was so bad they had to keep pumping me full of penicillin. My contractions did come back and I again had to get that shot to stop them. This time, David's heart rate still was uneffected by my blood pressure dropped to 108/46, which is really low. I passed out but my blood pressure came back to normal. My mom called me throughout the day and told me her and my sister would be coming around 6:30. Now, my doctor had told me I'd be staying until Wednesday morning. Well around 6:20pm, the doctor came in and told me I was going home. So, my mom and sister get here and I tell them they are sending me home. They weren't upset, but I was because they just drove all this way. I called Shaun and he took a half-day off work to be with me. They sent me home with antibotics that I have to take twice daily (even though they gave me three dose of penicillin) so damn, my infection must be bad. You'd just think, if you had this killer infection that is bad enough for all these antibotics and bad enough to make you go into labor, that you'd have had some signs, you know?
I think I would have known, had I not been pregnant. However, this pregnancy has been so painful, I just figured it was normal pregnancy stuff. All the symptoms they were telling me (low back ache, that feeling in my urethra, the sweating, the cramping) I thought was just pregnancy stuff, when in fact it was the infection. They asked me how long I had these symptoms and I said about two months. I thought the nurse was going to pass out from the look on her face.
But yeah, I am on antibotics now, that make me feel like crap. I was having some pretty intense cramps earlier, but my mom said these antibotics are going to make me feel sick for a while.
GIR has been following me around and curling up on me and meowing as if to say "are you okay?" As I was just typing that, he put his paw on my shoulder (he is sitting in the chair next to me and he just did it again). My poor baby, he is so worried. I am going to go lay back down with him now.
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