Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Update on Brig's family

Well, they are safe. I just got off the phone with Matty. His boss's house is flooding, but they are still safe. They may be moving to Lima, to Brigitte's mom's old house. I guess Lima is like an hour away from here. I felt so dumb because I didn't even know. Matty told me that supposedly a shark got sucked into New Orleans...that would be messed up.

I just can't wait until they are out of there and are in safety.

They issued a flash flood warning for Toledo, but so far it is just sprinkles. I think the news people are nuts.

Ugh, I just want them out of New Orleans....

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina whipped through New Orleans last night and today, putting my friends in danger. Brigitte, Matty, Willow, Autumn, and 11 week old baby (inside Brigitte..not yet born) had to leave their home last night. Shaun and I prayed for them, as did my family and friends in Wauseon. Last night the news said that the hurricane would claim 50,000 lives in New Orleans and would completely devour NO. They said that the French Quarter would be gone forever, which is where my friends live.

All of our praying must have been good for something because somehow the French Quarter was barely hit. There is no flooding, minimal debris, and most of the windows are still intact. FOX news did a really good job keeping me informed because there was a news anchor stationed on the corner of Bourbon and Beinville (spelling?) in the French Quarter, although I am not sure how close it is to where Brigitte lives.

Our prayers are still with them.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

8 weeks today

I am eight weeks pregnant today. I am getting really anxious to get out of the first trimester. There is too much stress being in the danger zone. You know, my mom had miscarrages and a still born and so, of course, I am flipping out. So, I am just hoping and praying our baby is healthy and safe.

My doctor prescribed this medicine to me for my morning sickness and I used it for the first time last night. It didn't help with my morning sickness at all, but it did make me feel extremely messed up. I felt like I was realllllllly drunk. I was dizzy and kept falling asleep. Shaun had to help me go where ever because I kept almost falling over. Oh well, only one more month and this sickness should pass.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Yay Pap Smear....

So i had a doctor's appointment today. The dreaded pelvic exam and pap. I had tears from my eyes. Right after the pap, the doctor looked at me and asked if I was working. I told him no and he said "Good, I don't want you working." This concerns me because my mom and all my friend's were encouraged to work. My friend's told me that something is fishy. My mom was really concerned. Then the doc tells me that if this medicine he puts me on doesn't help my morning sickness I will have to be hospitalized because I am prolly malnurished.

So yeah, that was a lovely trip to the doctors.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Me in a past life

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Genius Herbalist.

Where You Lived: Ireland.

How You Died: Natural Causes.

Sorry , there isn't really anything new about the pregnancy other than lose of appetite from me being sick...and extreme fatigue. So far, I have purchased:

A crib
A changing table
A car seat

And my mom bought me a bunch of unisex baby clothes.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Going away for the weekend

At three this afternoon, Shaun and I will be staying at a hotel until Monday morning. My parents set up this romantic weekend for us as a wedding present (along with a bag full of baby clothes, some Raspberry curd [mmmm yummy], a CD, a wedding themed book, and 100 $) . I am saving the 100$ until Shaun and I know the sex of the baby and then we'll get more baby stuff.

Sickness-Haven't actually been throwing up but I have this constant gagging sensation. At work yesterday, I just kept gagging and I was freaking people out. Oh well, it'll be over soon enough.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My breasts are HUGE

I went maternity bra shopping last night. I went up two whole cups sizes so far. These things are nuts! Shaun loves maternity bras...as would any guy I am sure. He didn't know what they were so when we got home I showed him how they were different from normal bras. I think he thought they were a gift from god the way he was staring. *rolls eyes* Men...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

This will never end!

I can't stand being so sick these last couple of days. I really can't wait to be in my second trimester. There are so many things I really want and need to do. I really need to clean up the apartment but I just can't find the energy. The only energy I have I puke out along with my lunch.

I did all these old wive's tales to see if I would have a boy or a girl. According to all of them, I should be having a girl. Bridgette should be having a boy. I guess we will see!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Ultrasound pics

I got my ultrasound today. I should have been almost 8 weeks pregnant buuuuut I am only 6 weeks and 1 day. I don't ovulate like you are supposed to and this month I ovulated at the very end of my cycle, instead of in the middle. Shaun and I got to see the heartbeat and everything. When we saw it we both got teary eyed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

7 weeks today!

YAY! The Baby doesn't look like a chicken dragon any more! The baby has little finger and toes! Aww! I go in for my first ultrasound on the 15, which is in 5 days. I can't wait! I will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat *cross your fingers*. I also can't wait because I will have a more accurate calculation of how far along I am. I don't think I have gained much more weight since the last time I took a picture. Well, I have but it is all in the chest. Shaun tells me that everyday, but we won't repeat exactly what he says. This journal is rated PG. Well, that is all for now!

Monday, August 08, 2005

My last name is Bricker

I got married today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was just gonna be "sign here and here" since we got married at the courthouse, but it was actually cool. Yeah, we had to go in and sign papers...raise our right hand and swear to tell the truth (do you swear you are not first cousins or closer related....lol!). Then we had to go down to where the ministers where. Granted, neither of us are Christian but when the minister said "god" I just thought of the god and goddess I believe in. Anyway, we got married outside (which was so awesome). I was kinda shy at first because there were a bunch of people watching us and I got all teary eyed when I said "I do." But yeah, Shaun and I got married outside next to this beautiful tree and you could tell the tree was excited. After he married us, the minister started talking to me about faeries which took me by surprise (I was wearing a faerie shirt and he just started quizzing me...).

So...now i must tell you the embarASSment of the day...

When you go into the courthouse, you have to go through a medal detector and put your purse through the converyor thing...like at airports. I ran my purse through and the guy points to this long metal object in my purse and is like "What is this?" pointing to the screen. I said.."I dunno maybe it is my wallet (cause i had change in there)." So we run in through again without my wallet and it is still there. So, I am searching through my purse (my purse holds a ton of shit) saying " I swear its not a knife." Finally, I find that it is indeed a knife, a box cutter to be exact, that I had stolen from work or something by accident and totally forgot about. I am like dying of embarassment and the guy give me a receipt for it and says I can have it back when I leave. *rolls eyes* I felt so stupid!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

This is Laume, the "White Lady." Posted by Picasa


I woke up this morning with the feeling of puking all over my dear Shaun's head. Not on purpose mind you, just had to puke. The moment I opened my eyes I had to vomit. I am glad I have three days off. Last night I actually made it through three hours of work. Before than I could only manage one hour of work before I felt like I was going to die from dry heaving. ^ more weeks and the sickness should be over. I can't wait! Then I will buckle down and try to work as many hours as possible, if the hours are available. Pretty much all of my money will go towards diapers...so Shaun won't have to worry about buying them for a while.

I haven't said this yet but I will be a stay at home mom. I will be working on my college career while I'm at home. Hopefully I will have a degree of some sort by the time our child enters preschool or kindergarden, although I had been thinking about homeschooling. I haven't brought the idea of homeschooling up with Shaun yet. The reason I haven't is because I am not 100% sure if I would homeschool and I am terrified on how Shaun would feel about it.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Very depressed

I just watched a sad show and now I am so depressed. Hehe I had seen the episode before but this was the first time I cried over it. Hormones, you know? I am very hungry but I just can't eat. So far today I have had two saltines and a slice of pizza (that was around 4:30). I know I need to eat again but I can't for some reason.

These pics at the top are when I got bored again and put makeup on.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Weight Gain Thus Far.

So far I have gained five pounds. I now weigh 170 when before I weighed 165. I actually didn't gain as much as I thought. I believe I was telling people I gained anywhere from 1 million pounds to a zillion. So, I was a little off.

Well, Shaun and I are off to get groceries. Hopefully he will buy me some pomegrante juice. It is good for the baby's brain!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

6 weeks today!

This is what my baby looks like today! Now it kinda looks like a chicken/dragon. It doesn't matter! He or she is growing so fast (and making mommy so sick). I read today that drinking pomegrante juice is really good in defending against brain damage. Well, it just so happens that pomegrante is one of my favorite fruits. I started eating them when I read about Hades, Persephone, and Demeter...around 5th grade. It sucks that you can only get the fruit itself around Christmas time, but the juice is in most grocery stores and health food stores.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm really huge

I was sucking in on the first post. I am horrible :(

Monday, August 01, 2005

Oh so this is 24 sickness

Today is CRAP

I don't think I can stand working at Tano's. I work with food...the smell of onions made me puke on the way to three of my deliveries. BBQ sauce is nasty as well.

I am hoping i can sleep better tonight, it is getting aggravating. I took a couple days off works because the smells today were just too overwhelming.

<----That's me feeling like crap by the way

Can't sleep

The last couple of days, I haven't been able to sleep at all. My stomach and back are killing me and it seems I just can't find a comfortable position.

Here is what my baby looks like. I know, he/she doesn't look very human yet. My baby has a heart now!